Curiosity, Pt. 2
/Rockaway Beach, 9/25/16, first weekend of autumn
Yoga Friends,
Author Elizabeth Gilbert's (of Eat, Pray, Love fame) latest book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, explores what it means to live a creative life. In an interview with Krista Tippett, her philosophy was summarized in this way:
Creativity in life as in art is choosing the path of curiosity over the path of fear.
Truly, when we are in a creative state of mind, our minds experience openness and expansiveness, a sort of "anything is possible" attitude.
As yoga and meditation take hold deeper in our lives, we are also training in adopting an expansive view of the human condition and an "anything is possible" attitude. Both free us up to experience more of life, just as it is, as it is unfolding.
In my own life recently, I've been met with a lot of uncertainties, so many that in some moments I have been paralyzed by fear. What has really helped me get through it all has been returning over and over again to an abiding curiosity.
And remembering that this is a universal experience felt by most if not all people have helped me to not take it so personally when it happens.
As you practice choosing the path of curiosity over the path of fear, may your creative outcomes truly benefit of all beings everywhere.
aloha, with metta,