Selfless Service Leads To Greater Freedom
/My Olympian move (photo by Adeet Deshmukh)
Yoga Friends,
One of my favorite yoga sequences that I teach annually leads to the posture Hanumanasana (forward splits). With the Olympics occurring this past month, and having seen many amazing feats executed -- particularly by the gymnasts -- this was an appropriate time to practice this pose. Plus the heat of the summer makes it easier to go deeper into it.
In the Hindu epic, the Ramayana, Lord Hanuman (a.k.a. the Monkey God), was so devoted to his master that when his master's wife was captured and taken to a far-off island, Hanuman somehow mustered up the ability to do a giant split-leap over the vast ocean to rescue her. Can you picture this in your mind and imagine doing it?!
Though a myth, the story of Hanuman and his amazing feats remind us all that when the cause is great enough, we are able somehow to muster up the strength, perseverance, and will-power to accomplish incredible feats. We are able to place our ego at the feet of something bigger than our own little selves, and act with humility in serving humanity selflessly through the talents we were born with. In the story, Hanuman forgot that he had inner strengths, but it took being presented with an opportunity to serve something bigger for him to remember that he had these strengths.
What is in your heart at this moment that you would like to see manifested for the benefit of all beings? If you can start by identifying that, you will soon find that you do have the ability to take many small yet consistent steps towards realizing your Olympian-sized dream.
May you remember your inner strengths through selfless service.
May you complete your missions.
May you know greater freedom.
aloha, with metta,