About: Touch is an important tool that teachers can utilize to help students learn movements and positions. When done with the proper exchange of energy, students will be able to go deeper. Conversely when done incorrectly or with the wrong amount of energy, students can recoil. Learning how to touch appropriately when teaching is an art form that can take years to perfect. This training will cover various techniques that Keoni Movement Arts teachers use when teaching yoga, dance, and gymnastics. Topics covered may include:
touch techniques - ways to touch
where and how to touch in yoga sequences (such as sun salutations) and yoga postures
ways to touch when assisting students in doing dance and gymnastics positions and moves
Thai Yoga Massage techniques for savasana
Target Audience: yoga teachers and students, movement educators, and anyone interested in a role on KMA’s staff.
About the trainer: Paul Keoni Chun, Keoni Movement Arts Founder, has been teaching yoga, dance and gymnastics to students ranging in age from 3 - 80+ for over 25 years in New York City. He is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance and has taught over 8000 hours of yoga classes in the last 20 years. He received a Level 2 Thai Yoga training certificate from Lotus Palm. This training will be derived from techniques he's picked up along the way throughout his many years of teaching.
Location: KMA @ Clinton Cameo Studios, 307 W 43rd St.
Cost: Free (donations gladly accepted)
Requirement: To be accepted into the training, all participants must agree to completing a post-training survey.
Space is limited to 12 participants.
Please complete our Release and Waiver Form here.